Computer Engineering Program
CNG 492
Final Report
Name of Students : Serkan Karabulut
: Mehmet Can Atalay
Name of the Project : ViSTA
Table of Contents
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 5
What is ViSTA? .......................................................................................................................................... 5
Why this project is being developed? ........................................................................................................ 5
How it is being achieved? ......................................................................................................................... 5
Backgrounds, Aims & Organization .......................................................................................................... 5
Formulation of Design Problem ................................................................................................................ 5
Constraints ................................................................................................................................................... 6
System Requirements Specification ........................................................................................................... 7
Functional Requirements .......................................................................................................................... 7
Non Functional Requirements ................................................................................................................... 7
Performance Requirements ................................................................................................................... 7
Safety Requirements .............................................................................................................................. 7
Graphical User Interface ............................................................................................................................ 8
System Models ............................................................................................................................................. 8
Architecture Diagram ................................................................................................................................ 8
System Process Model ............................................................................................................................. 11
Use Case Diagram .................................................................................................................................. 13
Sequence Diagram .................................................................................................................................. 14
Context Diagram ..................................................................................................................................... 15
Data Flow Diagrams ............................................................................................................................... 15
List of Functions ...................................................................................................................................... 17
Special Data Structure ............................................................................................................................ 19
Testing Plan ............................................................................................................................................... 19
Testing Strategies .................................................................................................................................... 19
Test Items ................................................................................................................................................. 19
Summary of Features to be Tested .......................................................................................................... 20
Summary of Features not to be Tested .................................................................................................... 20
Item Pass-Fail Criteria ........................................................................................................................... 20
Test Schedule ........................................................................................................................................... 21
Testing Report ........................................................................................................................................... 21
Test Items ..................................................................................................................................................... 21
Summary of Completed Tests .................................................................................................................. 24
Summary of Failed Tests ......................................................................................................................... 25
Software Quality Attributes ..................................................................................................................... 25
Reliability ................................................................................................................................................ 25
Robustness ............................................................................................................................................... 25
Usability .................................................................................................................................................. 25
Maintainability ........................................................................................................................................ 25
Project Management ................................................................................................................................. 26
Assumptions ............................................................................................................................................. 26
Stake Holders .......................................................................................................................................... 26
Project Estimation ................................................................................................................................... 26
Functional Points Estimation .............................................................................................................. 26
Non-Functional Points ........................................................................................................................ 27
Computation ........................................................................................................................................ 27
Project Tasks & Durations ...................................................................................................................... 28
Milestones ................................................................................................................................................ 28
GANTT Chart .......................................................................................................................................... 29
Task Allocation Chart ............................................................................................................................. 29
Activity Diagram ..................................................................................................................................... 30
User Manual ............................................................................................................................................... 31
Deployment Manual .................................................................................................................................. 31
Installation Manual ................................................................................................................................... 31
REFERENCES .......................................................................................................................................... 32
Figure 1: GUI of ViSTA ............................................................................................................................... 8
Figure 2: Architecture Diagram Level 0 of ViSTA ....................................................................................... 8
Figure 3: Architecture Diagram Level 1 of ViSTA ....................................................................................... 9
Figure 4: Architecture Diagram Level 2 of ViSTA ..................................................................................... 10
Figure 5: System Design ............................................................................................................................. 11
Figure 6: System Modules ........................................................................................................................... 12
Figure 7: Use Case Diagram of ViSTA ....................................................................................................... 13
Figure 8: Sequence Diagram of ViSTA ...................................................................................................... 14
Figure 9: Context Diagram .......................................................................................................................... 15
Figure 10: Tool Module Data Flow Diagram .............................................................................................. 15
Figure 11: Data Module Data Flow Diagram .............................................................................................. 16
Figure 12: Process Module Data Flow Diagram ......................................................................................... 17
Figure 13: Visualization Module Data Flow Diagram ................................................................................ 17
Figure 14: One-participant Performance Measures ..................................................................................... 23
Figure 15: Two-participant performance measures ..................................................................................... 24
Figure 16: Gantt chart .................................................................................................................................. 29
Figure 17: Task allocation chart .................................................................................................................. 29
Figure 18: Activity diagram ........................................................................................................................ 30
This section will provide a brief description of ViSTA, and expectations of our group. In order to
describe ViSTA, we will ask three questions to ourselves, and answer them. First of all, ViSTA
and it is main purpose will be explained. Also, main reason behind ViSTA will be provided.
Finally, details of development process will be described.
What is ViSTA?
ViSTA is short term for Visualization of Scanpath Trend Analysis. The main goal of the ViSTA
project is visualization of STA algorithm, and gaze map that STA algorithm applied; however,
project should be implemented in a modular way that enables other algorithms to be implemented
easily. Simply, it is a visualization tool for eye tracking data algorithms such as STA.
Why this project is being developed?
STA is a new algorithm that doesn’t have any visualization tool for itself. This is the main reason
why this project is being developed; however there are some other constraints that take this project
far advanced than being a just visualization tool for an algorithm, and that is modularity. There are
so many different visualization methods, scanpath analysis tools, algorithms, and more to come in
each year. Diversity is keyword for eye tracking, and in order to catch this trend, creating a
framework for STA that is ready for change is important.
How it is being achieved?
One of the constraints for this project is modularity, and to achieve that object oriented
programming is important. The other important constraint is diversity, and to overcome this issue
generalizing some cases, and creating standards is important. Also, selecting best visualization
methods is the most important thing in case of diversity. Lastly, for chosen visualization methods
finding best visualization tools, and using them is important. Simply, doing literature survey on
visualization methods is the most important step to achieve ViSTA.
Backgrounds, Aims & Organization
Formulation of Design Problem
The main concern about ViSTA is visualization of STA algorithm. However, only visualizing STA
algorithm is not enough, but visualizing of all raw data is also important
We have been given this project because of STA algorithm does not have its own visualization
tool. There is only text format input and output, and offline access that current implementation
There are several different visualization techniques for gaze paths and trending paths. One of the
other concern about ViSTA is researching and choosing best technique among them.
Shortly, ViSTA is about choosing best visualization technique for STA algorithm and
implementing it in an online and much more user-friendly environment.
1. Economic: In order to build ViSTA project, we created our algorithms and used open
source JS libraries and we did not use any electronic devices. Therefore, ViSTA project
does not require any budget. As a result, economic constraint is not applicable.
2. Environmental: ViSTA project is a web based project. Main needs of the project is a
browser. For either local host or another online server, project is useable.
3. Social: Vista project can be a good pioneer for visualization of eye tracking data. For
visualization, mainly eye tracking data collectors like TOBII produce a software to
visualize own data. However, it will not work for other collectors and to use program
there is a fee. With ViSTA, visualization will be free, developable, portable and fast. For
METU NCC students there will be a chance to improve ViSTA project.
4. Political: ViSTA is a very useful tool for advertising sector. Therefore, for election
camping, ViSTA may be useful.
5. Ethical: For ViSTA project IEEE code of ethics considered.
6. Health and Safety: ViSTA project does not have health and safety constraints.
7. Manufacturability: ViSTA project does not have manufacturability constraints.
8. Sustainability: ViSTA project does not have sustainability constraints.
Literature Review
For ViSTA project, research is as important as implementation and design parts. Therefore,
especially first semester, we spent 2 to 3 month for literature review on visualization methods of
eye tracking data. In this way, we understood the concept and implemented the visualization
techniques more easily. In addition, we were able to find appropriate libraries, which we used for
visualization. Moreover, for the testing we did some literature review in order to understand
concepts, techniques and libraries of the testing. As a result, we found some libraries for testing
and we tried to write scripts, which tested units of the project.
System Requirements Specification
Functional Requirements
A user selects processing method and an appropriate visualization method.
A user can provide data with different data structures.
A user can use defined tool for some processing methods.
An admin can provide visualization methods.
An admin can provide processing methods and appropriate converter as well as any
necessary tools.
Non Functional Requirements
Performance Requirements
Since we want to near real time visualization, we need to take following measurements:
1. Low complexity implementations
2. Effective usage of cache
3. Low size image and thumbnails
Safety Requirements
1. System will log every action
2. System will alert the admin in case of critical errors
3. Each user IP will be logged
Graphical User Interface
Figure 1GUI of ViSTA
System Models
Architecture Diagram
Figure 2Architecture Diagram Level 0 of ViSTA
Figure 3Architecture Diagram Level 1 of ViSTA
Figure 4Architecture Diagram Level 2 of ViSTA
System Process Model
As shown at Figure 2, the whole system contains different modules and subsystems, which also contains
some modules. Details of these modules are shown at figure 3.
Figure 5: System Design
Figure 6: System Modules
Use Case Diagram
Figure 7: Use Case Diagram of ViSTA
Sequence Diagram
Figure 8: Sequence Diagram of ViSTA
Context Diagram
Figure 9: Context Diagram
Data Flow Diagrams
ViSTA project is heavily based on data processing. Therefor data flow diagrams are very important since
development of this project in later stages could be very complex. Figure 6-9 shows data flow diagrams
of the system.
Figure 10: Tool Module Data Flow Diagram
Figure 11: Data Module Data Flow Diagram
Figure 12: Process Module Data Flow Diagram
Figure 13: Visualization Module Data Flow Diagram
List of Functions
listener(String response)
projectData(Array fileHeaders, Array fileData, Array originalHeaders) : Array
parseData(Array projectedData, int fileID)
filterStimuli(Object stimuliInstant, Function filter) : Boolean
isCatagoryExist(String catagoryName) : Boolean
findCatagoryIndex(String catagoryName) : Int
checkCatagoryName(String catagoryName) : Boolean
isParticipantExistInCategory(String catagoryName, int participantID) : Boolean
createVisualMap(Object visualizationData)
showGazePath (String stimuliName, Function filter)
createGazePath(String stimuliName, Function filter) : Object
convertToVisualNode(int index, Array stimuliInstant) : Object
toRealX(double x) : Double
toRealY(double y) : Double
toDataX(double x) : Double
toDataY(double y) : Double
toRealValue (double value) : Double
getListCatagories() : Array
fetchBackgroundImage(String imgAddress)
fetchPageTitleToData(String titleAddress)
isPointAvailable(double x, double y) : Boolean
generateAOIIndex() : Int
getAOIIndex(int index) : Int
removeAOI(int index)
getRandomColor : RGB
showSTAMap(String stimuliName, settings, Function filter)
isSTAMapApplicaple() : Boolean
createSTAMap(Array STASequence) : Object
getSTAData(String stimuliName, settings, Function filter) : String
Special Data Structure
VisJS: Data Structure of VisJS library.
Testing Plan
Testing Strategies
To test ViSTA, we will use MOCHA testing framework. We will do asynchronous testing by using
Mocha on NodeJS. We have done smoke testing while developing current application, and we are
planning to do unit testing in future by using Mocha. After getting a successful product, we want
to do integration testing.
Test Items
1. Unit Testing
The Units:
Data Module (Serkan Karabulut)
Visualization Module (Mehmet Can Atalay)
Algorithm Module (Serkan Karabulut)
Tool Module (Mehmet Can Atalay)
Methodology: We will use Mocha, to write scripts. Serkan & Can will write testing scripts.
2. Integration Test
Participants: Mehmet Can Atalay
3. Performance Test & Stress Testing
Participants: Serkan Karabulut
Methodology: The most important performance factor in ViSTA is data processing, to
understand performance of data converting and visualization; we will increase the number
of entries in dataset.
4. Security Testing
Participants: Serkan Karabulut
Methodology: Proxies for algorithm modules are using network sockets; therefore, data
transfer could be vulnerable to sniffing.
Notes: Since security is an external concern, there will not be any correction for this
testing’s outcome.
Summary of Features to be Tested
Unit Test
Data Module will be tested since it is core component of the project. Data module is responsible to
parse, map and manipulate raw data that user entered. Since everything starts with that data
manipulation, data module becomes vital.
Visualization module uses an external library, which is VisJS. In order to make sure VisJS can
communicate seamlessly, we will test visualization module. Besides, we should assert that
visualization module draws nodes and edges correctly. Otherwise, there will be inconsistency
between raw data and the visualized data.
Algorithm module is responsible connection between external visualization algorithm and our
system. We should test if the connection can establish correctly. Besides connection, we should
confirm if algorithm takes inputs and returns outputs. In addition, we will check if the output is
converted to our data structure.
Integration Test
We will check if data module can send the data to visualization module without any problem. After
this connection tested, we will look at if visualization module can get the data from algorithm
module seamlessly. Shortly we will check if modules can communicate among them.
Performance Test
While using a timer we will look at the performance measures of the system. While testing we will
load different sizes of raw data.
Security Test
We will check whether we can sniff the data while being posted to server.
Summary of Features not to be Tested
Tool Module will not be tested since it will be an external library, and library developers already
have done libraries testing.
Item Pass-Fail Criteria
For data module, if data is grouped according to stimuli name, which represents link of the image,
and order of elements of the raw data is in our structure, item passes the test. Otherwise, item fails
the test.
For visualization module, if nodes and edges are created correctly and VisJS can communicate
with our system seamlessly, item passes the test.
For algorithm module, if communication can be establish correctly, algorithm can take and return
data without any problem, convert returned data into our data structure and determines nodes and
edges correctly, item passes the test.
If there is not any problem while sending and receiving data between modules, items pass the test.
If we cannot sniff the data while it is being posted, then item passes the test.
Test Schedule
This schedule is starting from 17.04.2017.
Test type
Done by
2 weeks
Serkan Karabulut
1 weeks
Mehmet Can Atalay
1 weeks
Serkan Karabulut, Mehmet
Can Atalay
1 weeks
Serkan Karabulut
Testing Report
Test Items
1. Unit Testing
Unit testing has done by using mocha-chai JavaScript library. While testing we created
dummy data sets and modified functions to analyze results easily.
Data Module
Data module had several cases. To pass the test it should satisfy some conditions
such as:
Data module should store the data taken from user.
Data modules should rearrange the data into our data structure
Data module should group data according to stimuli name which refers to
address of the image
All the features above were tested and ViSTA passed all of them.
For the first feature, we created a dummy data set and modified the functions related.
For the data set, there were four element inside. When we started to test, we can
able to see dummy input data set was parsed and stored correctly. For the second
feature, we just modified related functions. While testing we saw that sequence of
the data converted into our data structure. For the last feature of the data module
testing, we check that if the data that is converted our structure is grouped according
to stimuli name. After modify functions that are executed for this feature, we saw
results of the test were satisfy the feature.
Visualization Module
Like data module, several cases needed to be passed. Those cases were:
Converted data should be converted into visualizable objects.
Module should create edges and nodes.
Module should communicate with Vis.js library.
Those cases above were core requirements to pass the test.
For the first case, data should be converted into Vis.js data set. We checked that
after related functions, if the Vis.js data set has the data, which was converted by
data module, or not. For the second case, we checked edges and nodes Vis.js data
set. According to status which was decided parsing part, if a node has “ScreenRec”
like off screen messages, it should not produce any edge between this edge and its
neighbor edge. For the last case, we were able to understand that since while
creating edge and nodes, storing them and converted data as Vis.js dataset, we can
say that Vis.js library and ViSTA can communicate each other.
Algorithm Module
To test algorithm module we created some test cases. Those cases were:
Creates STA input
Parse output of STA
STA nodes and edges are created
Those cases above are tested and ViSTA passed them.
For the first case, at first we checked if a user is able to take areas of interest or not.
Then we checked if module could combine and convert areas of interest and data,
which is converted by data module. For the second case, we check if result of the
STA is in correct form. Then, we looked at if the module could parse the output of
the STA. At the last point, we focused on if nodes and edges were created or not.
2. Integration Test
For the integration test, all the modules should work together without causing issues for
each other. To test it we run the project. While all the features working, there were not any
3. Performance Test & Stress Testing
For the test performance, we used Google Chrome’s performance profiler.
Figure 14: One-participant Performance Measures
The picture above (Figure 14) shows performance measures of ViSTA with one participant.
We can see that parsing part takes the most of the time. In addition, we can see that how
nodes and edges are storing. In the performance measures, we are able to see that library
that we are using to draw the nodes and edges (Vis.js) is quite fast.
Figure 15: Two-participant performance measures
In this picture, we can able to see that what happens when we add second participant.
Difference between two measures, nodes and edges are added to previous one like parsed
data saved onto previous data according to stimuli name.
4. Security Testing
Since we are not using SSL, someone can sniff the data. However, security is not our
Summary of Completed Tests
For unit and integration test, every element passed. To test unit test, we modified functions and
learned mocha-chai JavaScript library. For integration test, we combined each module, run the
project, and look for any bug or crash. Since there was not any crash or bug, test is passed. For
performance test since we have a bit long timing for loading, we had still better time result than
any exist application like TOBII.
Summary of Failed Tests
We only failed from security test. However, security is not a concern for us. If any user wants to prevent
sniffing, they just need to add SSL protocol.
Software Quality Attributes
ViSTA will be used for academic researches as well as commercial studies. Therefore, precision is
one of the most important thing in our system. Just like precision, correct visualization is also an
important issue, thus color palettes and other visual properties must be selected to ensure reliability
of visualization.
In order to achieve reliability literature survey is one of the most important necessity. Also,
blending literature survey with validation will ensure reliability of the system. In case of precision,
testing of different data sets is important.
There will be lots of different data sets, processing methods and visualization methods. Interaction
of different data sets and these methods could create some unexpected errors, crashes, and even
cause corruption of data. In order to system to be sturdy handling these exceptions and rescue
mechanism are important. Also, because of expandability error handling and notification is
In order to achieve robustness testing is the most important step. Testing system with lots of
different data sets, and testing these data sets with combination of different methods will raise some
exceptions. Creating a system to handling this errors and exceptions to warn the developers is
Usability is the main concern of ViSTA. ViSTA should give users sensation of real good and easy
usage. To achieve that following design patterns like Material Design, and designing visual blocks
in plain and simple is important. Also, user accessibility is really important.
ViSTA must be design in a modular way to simplifying further development. Best way to do that
is following object oriented design patterns, and creating a framework before implementing
Project Management
We are assuming following conditions,
User can upload more than one gaze path data for one participant.
User can upload more than one gaze path data for multiple participant.
User may select different visualization techniques.
More than one trending path may be drawn.
User may use tools for easy user accessibility.
Stake Holders
The stake holders of ViSTA are following,
Yeliz Yeşilada <yyeliz@metu.edu.tr>
Şükrü Eraslan <seraslan@metu.edu.tr>
Advertisement Companies
Project Estimation
Functional Points Estimation
1. Inputs:
o Data File Selection Modal
o Processing Method Selection Menu
o Visualization Method Selection Accordion
o Visualization Result Selection Bar
2. Outputs
o Loading Screen
o Visualization Method Result(s)
o Statistical Result Sheet
o Error Messages
3. Inquiries:
o Tracking Data Queries
o Area of Interest Queries
o Data Conversation Queries
4. Logical Internal Files:
o Tracking Data
o Area of Interest Data
o Processed Data
5. External Interface Files:
o Visualization Elements Data
Non-Functional Points
1. Data Communications : 1
2. Performance : 3
3. Heavily Used Configurations : 1
4. Online Data Entry : 1
5. End User Efficiency: 3
6. Operations Ease : 3
Program Characteristic
Low Complexity
Medium Complexity
High Complexity
# Inputs
# Outputs
Logical Internal Files
External Interface Files
UTFP = 67
TDI = 12
VAF = 12 * 0.01 + 0.65 = 0.77
ATFP = 67 * 0.77 = 51.6 = 52
Choosing JavaScript as language, and taking most common value;
LOC = 67 * 40 = 2,680 Lines of Code
Assuming we are organic,
KDSI = 2680/ 1000 = 2.68
MM = 2.4 * (2.68 ^ 1.05) = 6.76 ~ 7
TDEV = 2.5 * (6.76 ^ 0.38) = 5.16 ~ 5
Assuming that we are at Approved product concept stage,
Effort & Size = 7 * 0.50 ~ 7 * 2 = 3.5 ~ 14 MM
Schedule = 5 * 0.80 ~ 5 * 1.25 = 4 ~ 6.25 Months
Project Tasks & Durations
1. Doing literature survey on visualization methods For 18 weeks
2. Doing literature survey on eye tracking path scanners For 1 week
3. Doing literature survey on visualization libraries For 2 weeks
4. Creating a general eye scan path data structure For 1 weeks
5. Implement node structure For 1 week
6. Taking eye tracking data from txt and parse it For 3 week
7. Doing literature survey on screen capturing For 1 week
8. Implement proxy For 1 week
9. Implement Python server For 1 week
10. Establish a connection between server and ViSTA For 1 week
11. Implement area of interest decider For 1 week
12. Adjust STA algorithm for ViSTA For 1 week
13. Using Google material design, improve user interface For 12 week
14. Putting the code into GitHub For 1 week
15. Improve Python server For 3 weeks
16. Testing For 3 weeks
17. Readjust all codes For 3 weeks
18. Improve visualization and parsing algorithms 4 weeks
1. Doing literature survey on visualization methods
2. Doing literature survey on visualization libraries
3. Creating data structures
4. Implementing data parser
5. Implementing proxy and python server
6. Implementing STA module
7. Using Google material design, improve user interface
8. Improve Python server for multiple trials
9. Testing
10. Readjust all codes
11. Improve visualization and parsing algorithm
Figure 16: Gantt chart
Task Allocation Chart
Figure 17: Task allocation chart
Activity Diagram
Figure 18: Activity diagram
User Manual
Add the data from “+” sign which locates right bottom corner
Choose data samples which is in .txt format
When choosing is done, at the right top corner, a drop down menu appears. From that menu
user can select address or name of the websites that used for background image.
In the same menu, a user can add participant filters.
After filtering, gaze path of the chosen stimuli name for raw data will be drawn.
If user wants to apply STA algorithm, they should choose area of interests.
Each area can be chosen by clicking the mouse. The area, between a click pair, will be
After area of interests are chosen, STA tab will be clickable.
Whenever user click the STA tab, result will be drawn on the background image with the
area of interests.
Deployment Manual
Deployment process is explained for Netbeans.
Clone the project from GitHub.
Right-click to project and choose npm install.
Right-click project and choose npm-migrate from npm scripts menu.
Installation Manual
Installation process is explained for wamp server.
From the project folder, copy the content of the www folder.
Paste the content wamp server’s www folder.
Atalay, M.C. & Karabulut, S. (n.d.). ViSTA. Retrieved from
Vis.js - A dynamic, browser based visualization library. (n.d.). Retrieved from
IEEE Code of Ethics. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Mocha - the fun, simple, flexible JavaScript test framework. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Introduction - Material design. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://material.io/guidelines/